Friday, July 24, 2009

Ecotourism: Travel for Less

There is so much hype about ecotourism in the travel industry. What is it actually? Ecotourism Society defines it as responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and improves the welfare of the local people. Nature Awareness and Conservation Club Inc, in the Philippines supports this and here's what they offer for Travel for Less:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Quezon City International Marathon Race

On the 18th of October 2009, an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 runners from all categories will gather at the Quezon Memorial Shrine to begin writing the history of the first ever Quezon City International Marathon in celebration of the Quezon City's 70th year of existence. History will mark it's footsteps on

Sunday, July 5, 2009

UNWTO has set up a "Tourism Resilience Committee" to respond to a turbulent world economy while staying on course the challenges of climage change and poverty alleviation. Following the Ministers' Summit, a series of response groups focusing on the regional impacts and action by the sector will follow looking at both immediate and longer-term response.

The rest of the news at:
Conference registration closes on July 7th

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

To see something that is not there is a great image

I had an honor to meet an award-winning photographer last night in one of my friend's 'dinner-assembly.' He perked our appetites by showing us slides of pictures backedground with music, he himself concocted. Wonderfully put together! The photos filled our senses with things one would take for granted. I could not let my eye blink as I take a bite on each festive, emotional, life-giving, silentious photo. As I digest the five-course meal of photos, plates and bowls of food come rushing on our table.

NOTE: Mr Deichmann is conducting photography classes around the world --he may be in your country next! For more information, get in touch with him through numbers or contact details posted on his website.